Our Guardian Program
At Deaz Cockapoos we believe that EVERY dog deserves a family to love unconditionally, and vice versa. We do not agree with keeping a dog penned in a kennel day in and out without socialization only to be used to breed.
Guardian homes are the answer to having several different dogs without "warehousing" them only to breed. In a nutshell you get a dog or puppy that we would co-own under contract that will be a part of our breeding program. For females we agree to 4 litters and for males it is 6-8 years of keeping them in tact and available. We breed said dog during the length of the contract and when contract was fulfilled we pay to have the pet fixed and they retire to live with you the rest of their days.
If you are interested in learning more about upcoming guardian puppies or getting on our list to guardian one of our angels please complete an application. Homes 2.5 hours will be considered for females and males are kept within 20 minutes of zip code 47331 and have an approved application then you qualify to guardian a puppy. Below are more details about the actual process. 
More details and expectations to know about...
You will get breeders pick of the litter. We only use the best so that we can provide the best.
Males are very easy to provide a home for. All you have to do is make them available to us when needed until the age of 10 years old, providing they are in good health.
If you are more than 20 minutes from our house, a male will need to stay with us for up to 7 days during breeding. If you are close enough to commute, I will borrow the male for a honeymoon visit (morning pickup/evening dropoff).
Females come in heat the first time *normally* between the age of 9-10 months old. Then if *normal* they will have a heat every 6 months. Like human females this can vary per dog.
We do not breed the first heat and never before a year old. Therefore you have over a year before even thinking about her having puppies.
When she is ready to breed she would come back to us for 5-7 days for the breeding, then home for the pregnancy period, (55 days), then back a week prior to delivery. She will have a stay of 6 weeks with us while she nurses and weans the puppies. (This makes a great time to plan vacations and get free boarding!)
We breed two cycles back to back because it is easier on momma. There is a break between litters 2-3 then breed 3 and 4 back to back. This is done until 4-5 years old or 4-6 times depending on many variables, but the health of the momma (your dog) is first and foremost! We do not over breed our pets and will not over breed yours.
All vet fees associated with breeding or the puppies will be our responsibility.
Any routine or injury vet fees will be your responsibility, he/she is your pet. Any fees associated with boarding and grooming will be your responsibility. Sometimes we are able to offer these services, but maintenance and care is ultimately your responsibility.
In the case of providing a home for one of our females. ALL MALE DOGS IN THE HOME MUST BE FIXED. It is your responsibility to make sure she does not get pregnant during her off heats.
Fenced in yards are a plus, but not a deal breaker. When she goes in heat during an off cycle you have to make sure no males can get to her for 30 days so it helps.
When breeding is finished we will pay to have her fixed and she will retire to spend the rest of her days with you and all ownership will be transferred to you. If you decide to guardian another puppy you can get another one at no cost.